My mum always said “the truth would set me free, especially when she knew I was the culprit. Past experience has made me realize that the truth only got my mum’s belt excited and the neighborhood drowning in the loud orchestrated sound of me wailing in agony. So NO! I don’t really believe the truth sets one free.
Ask yourself, did the truth set you free when made known? Or make the listening party pleased or distraught? Before speaking the truth I believe some important questions, bases, and possible outcome need to be considered. You need to always assess situations before acknowledging the truth. The person you’re telling the truth, can he deal/handle it? What happens when the truth leads to further despair, when a little lie could go a long way in making things work out fine? Whoever said let sleeping dogs lie I’m definitely sure said so after regretting telling the truth. Don’t get me wrong lying isn’t good, but wouldn’t you prefer not knowing the truth, than hate the person who tells you the truth? Would you prefer your boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, wife tell you he/she cheated on you? Or would you for the sake of the relationship not know at all?
My one perfect example is Jesus Christ, dude told the truth all His life, even when His life depended on it and what did He get for it? Public humiliation, mockery from kids, men and women, the screaming crowd spitting cursing and stoning (can imagine His reaction when they die and get to the Gate: payback’s a B***H) and finally one of the worst possible ways to be killed, He was nailed and hung from a cross to bleed to death, all these because of the truth. Don’t tell me, I know; the end result supersedes everything but to go through the torment all because of the truth? HELL FREAKING NO! Good thing His reward for that was worth the price He paid.
It doesn’t always have a direct effect though. What happens when spouses cheat and they own up, all because of some bright light they saw? They open their big mouth and tell the truth; end result they split, leaving the kids to suffer all because daddy or mummy couldn’t shut up until they turned 18. If that ever was me, I’ll burn whoever is at faults throat with hot boiling tar. Maybe the parents found peace in the separation setting them free, but the destruction of the truth is borne by the poor kids left in bondage and despair. It’s just like having parents with AS blood group giving birth to a Sickle cell kid. Poor kid is left to leave out his life suffering. Don’t be surprised if the girl sleeps around just because she’s searching for her father or the guy just never knows how to treat a woman. Tell the truth my a**.
Do you know how many lives you’ll be saving by shutting up? Do yourself a favor when you want to go all holy and righteous; when you want to open your trap and spill the beans, when you want to put up your skeletons out for exhibition, or when your bloody conscience tells you to be the bigger person: take a freaking minute and ask yourself “how and who would my telling the truth affect?”. I mean, you think by telling the person you’d be redeemed of the wrong doing? A brother going to tell his other brother he slept with his wife, an employee confessing to misuse of company funds, a kid owning up to breaking a neighbors’ windscreen, owning up to violation of traffic laws; do you really think they’d be redeemed for their wrong doing and be given a medal for honesty and for being truthful?
I know men are born liars, but I feel it’s based on my theory of “why get into so much drama and trouble when one harmless lie can solve the whole problem. They, and by “they” I mean we men, we might not always analyze the end result of the lie, but we still believe the lie would sell more than the truth. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t support all lies men tell especially when it has to do with innocent emotions but if you’re going to lie, you best be good at it. Like everything in life, there’s a rule governing everything, same goes for lies. Don’t go ahead lying if you’re not good at it, or if you haven’t covered all the bases. Here’s a little guide line if you’re going to lie:
Rule 1: Don’t start what you can’t finish. Be prepared to see the lie to the end, don’t tell a lie and after a while you come out clean and say the truth. Why start in the first place? Sissy!
Rule 2: Before you lie, make sure it’s worth the trouble of lying. A lot of brain power goes into lying, which means you’d be wasting valuable time on a lie if it’s worthless.
Rule 3: Remember, all lies need a backup and most times a follow up lie, meaning you have to cover all possible options of questions that may be asked. A true artist spells the lie out in one sentence avoiding questions. Keep it plain and simple.
Rule 4: Every lie needs to be verifiable, so if you going to involve someone in lie make sure the person knows. If you’re going to use a place or thing, make sure you have accurate details of the place or thing and time. Better still, always and I mean always incorporate a bit of the truth into a lie. A lie sells best when you have a bit of reality attached to it. This leads to the final rule.
Rule 5: Once you decide to lie you have an obligation never to forget that lie, because you need to sell it and convince the other party, even after the dust might have settled. Lies always have a way of resurfacing, and anything different from what was said sends everything crumbling. That’s why a bit of the truth added to a lie would serve as a reminder so you never forget.
I’d say this again, I don’t support lies, but I feel it could go a long way in making some of our problems less worrisome and saves a lot of grief. What truth you don’t know wouldn’t kill you. So feel free to lie so long as you know you’re good at it and the lie is beyond reasonable doubt. If and when you’re caught lying please don’t quote me, because I’d lie my a** off denying any knowledge of ever writing this.